Friday, 28 September 2012

Lung cancer: Treatment, symptoms, advice and help

About lung cancer

Lung cancer, also known as ‘Pulmonary Carcinoma’ in medical terms, is an illness of the lungs, wherein cells of the lung tissue exhibit uncontrolled growth. Cancer may arise in almost any part of the lung, but many commonly arises from the liner of the airways (referred as bronchi or bronchioles). Therefore, a physician may even refer to lung cancer as ‘bronchogenic cancer’ or ‘bronchogenic carcinoma’.

Lung cancer: Incidence, age and sex

Different organs of the body might be affected by cancer, but lung cancer is probably the most common cause of carcinogenic death both in genders. It is predominantly an illness of the elderly population with almost 70% of the cases occurring after age 65 years.

Indications of lung cancer: Diagnosis

There are two kinds of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The development and spread of both types is not same and treatments may vary. Therefore, the attending doctor must identify the type of cancer before deciding the therapy options. The symptoms may depend upon the extent and placement of cancer in the lung.

Within a quarter of lung cancer patients, there aren't any symptoms at all. Cancer may accidentally be found on a routine chest radiograph or perhaps a scan. However, most lung cancer patients may experience difficulty in breathing like shortness of breath and heart problems. Most commonly, a lung cancer patient may complain of persistent cough. The cough might be occasionally accompanied with blood stained sputum.

In the event of spread of cancer towards the adjacent bone, people may experience excruciating pain to begin of bone involvement. Likewise, spread of cancer towards the brain may be given symptoms like blurred vision, headache, or seizures.

Causes and protection against lung cancer

The most important cause of lung cancer is smoking, about 90% of the lung cancers arising because of tobacco use. The chance of developing lung cancer depends upon the amount of cigarettes smoked each day and duration of smoking. Pipe and cigar smoking may also cause lung cancer. Passive smokers (individuals who share living with smokers) will also be at a risk of developing lung cancer. Aside from smoking, lung cancer can also develop due to occupational exposure to harmful radiation.

Prevention, obviously lies in refraining from smoking or maybe not cessation, then a minimum of reducing the number of cigarettes. Besides, a smoker should periodically get regular medical examination once he/she crosses 65 years of age years.

Lung cancer: Complications

If not treated, lung cancer can continue to grow and invade adjacent structures such as the ribs. Moreover, this may also spread to distant organs such as the brain through the bloodstream.

Lung cancer: Treatment

Much like other cancers, treating lung cancer involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The decision to carry out the best treatment is determined by the overall health of the patient, location and spread of cancer. The therapy also depends upon whether or not this is a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Surgical procedure of SCLC is usually not recommended as these cancers are not as likely to be localized and also have higher propensity to spread. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be used for both kinds of cancers.

Several other treatments like photodynamic therapy, radiofrequency ablation, utilization of anti-angiogenesis drugs are also found helpful. The prognosis of lung cancer is poor when compared with other cancers.

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