Saturday 25 May 2013

Who is seeking cancer treatment abroad?

Advancements in technology have enhanced information to foreign health services. Country borders have grown to be increasingly permeable. Globalised transport systems have lowered transport costs. Consequently, medical travel for cancer treatment continues to be enhanced. But who are these patients seeking treatment abroad? What is their profile?

Generally, two separate groups of people seek cancer treatment abroad plus they do so for differing reasons. Affluent patients might be looking for quality of healthcare, whereas the less wealthy might be looking for lower costs of treatment abroad.

Affluent patients

Affluent people are patients that are generally discontented using the standard of health care provided in your own home, the unavailability of treatments or even the lack of technology in health centres and hospitals. For instance, in China, a gastroscopy, a test of the stomach and alimentary canal, is conducted through the mouth.. In other countries, this type of procedure is usually performed with the nose which significantly reduces pain for that patient. As such, the attraction of nations that have newer and more well equipped hospitals with trained medical professionals and specialists can draw these affluent patients.

The primary pie of affluent patients comes from China. With the rising affluence and patient mobility from the country’s emerging middle class, we witness a substantial increase in the numbers of Chinese traveling overseas as medical tourists recently. Around 60,000 The chinese travel abroad annually for healthcare services, based on Yang Jian, CEO of the Shanghai Medical Tourism Products and Promotion Platform. 17 % of Asia’s millionaires are located in China.

A maturing population in China seems to have improved the demand for medical and healthcare services. Based on the Ministry of Health, mainlanders aged 60 or older taken into account 13.3 percent of the population this year. The aged require more healthcare than the others and thus many affluent ageing Chinese residents that like to venture abroad for treatment.

The less wealthy

 In a few countries such as the US, people have to fork out an increasing amount of cash on health care costs. Hence, these people seek cheaper alternatives for healthcare abroad. The standard and technology of treatment within their home country may be comparable to that of those overseas. However, the primary pull factor is the more affordable treatments offered for the same quality, for example in the emerging countries Mexico and Thailand. Nearly all this group of people are those Fifty years old and above, more commonly referred to as, the baby boomers. This is because seniors are at the point in life where cancer threats will probably arise and treatment is sought after. “I would tend to say that 80 % or more of the people using medical tourism are seniors,” said Rajesh Rao, CEO of IndUSHealth, a medical travel program provider for patients and employer health care insurance options. Moreover, since last year, there's been growing dialogue on how seniors should manage aging and end-of-life issues because the generation ages. In addition, 48.Six million Americans (16% of the US population) remain uninsured. For that less affluent and the uninsured boomers, going abroad for cancer treatment methods are a striking alternative.

It costs around US$25,000 for chemotherapy in america, or US$12,000 in India which means a savings rate of 50%. India has gained repute around the world for its highly qualified and experienced medical teams in oncology. The Apollo Hospital and Fortis Hospital in India are the renowned oncology centres.

Indeed, both of these groups of patients are placing medical tourism for cancer is rising. Though they choose this method for varying reasons, it's no doubt that they understand that the caliber of cancer treatment can rival that or perhaps is better than those offered within their home country.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Another Way To Heal Yourself Of Cancer Today Demonstration That Evening News Can Cause Cancer

Stay away from the news. I know that these days, it sounds like an incredible idea to point out that you stay away from the news. However the news that you read within the newspapers or that you hear around the evening news will make you sick. Guaranteed!

The thing is, scientists and biochemists are finding that whenever we’re happy, our brain secretes endorphins that support and strengthen our defense mechanisms. And when we’re unhappy, our brain secretes endorphins that send negative messages throughout the immune system and make it weaker. And instead of fighting infection, bacteria, or perhaps cancer, when your brain sends an adverse message to your immune system through the endorphins, then the immune system loses the defence battle from the invaders. Now, I don’t what you think, but the evening news or even the newspaper news are rarely exciting, stimulating or joy provoking.

The way in which your body works is that your thoughts and emotions trigger a chemical reaction within the brain, which then sends a note to all parts of your body through the bloodstream. That message is carried through transmitters which are neuropeptides, chains of amino acids. The blood reaches each and every nook and cranny of your body and when there is a part that is already weakened by past injuries, constant stress of chronic fragility, the harmful chemicals are more likely to deliver their negative message to that particular area, and reinforce that past trauma.

And also the evening news tend to depress your defense mechanisms. Studies conducted at Stanford University on students taking final exams demonstrated that their T-cells, the cells that normally fight colds, disease and cancer, were severely reduced during exam stress. The students were more prone to get sick during exam season.

Exactly the same occurs in your body when you are subjected to depressing news or events. Consider it for a moment. What would really happen should you missed the latest evening news report?

Over time, I have stayed away voluntarily in the news of any kind and I have seen that if the news is important enough, it'll reach me anyway. Either people around me will talk about it and inform me, or you will see headlines on the news stand. I've found that I have missed really little worth focusing on through the decades I have ‘missed’ this news. You might try maybe a day at a period, then two. Then a whole week without news. You can even occupy the extra time you will get for some stress reducing techniques. I describe these at length in the book Cancer Free For a lifetime which you can find on the site where one can also obtain a free set of the 10 Ways to Fight Cancer.

Consider the brain as a machine because of not merely filtering and storing this sensory input, however for associating it with other events or stimuli occurring simultaneously at any synapse or receptor across the way-this is learning. Let’s look at how this happens in the process of vision, which is very advanced and sophisticated in humans. After a visual signal hits the retina, the light-sensitive area of the eye, it must make its way across five more synapses because it moves from the back from the brain to the frontal cortex.
Dr Magne focuses on research on spontaneous healing of cancer. Over Twenty five years, she compiled all her discoveries around the causes and origins and diseases and presented them in her own book Cancer Free For a lifetime to help you speed your healing of cancer. Visit today for any FREE report on the 10 Methods to Stop Cancer.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Beating Cancer Foods Believed To Cure Cancer

We all know it is important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. For those who have cancer, it is even more essential that you’re getting your daily intake of essential minerals and vitamins. But did you know there are certain foods to help you beat cancer? Not only can they slow and stop tumor growth, some have been proven to shrink tumors and enhance your immune system’s ability to beat cancer. Check out Cancer Treatment

Apricots, peaches, cherries, and berries all contain amygdalin. This might be one of the best-known cancer fighting agents and it is found in over 1200 different natural foods. Berries also contain various phytochemicals that slow tumor growth and block further cancer development. The meals with the highest sources of the cancer-fighting agent amygdalin have been in the seeds of non-citrus foods.

Strawberries contain all the cancer fighting ingredients as other berries, but additionally contain high amounts of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C has been shown to help the body’s natural defenses in eliminating cancer by boosting the defense mechanisms and is a powerful antioxidant. It's also been shown to encapsulate tumors and stop the further spread of cancer. Other foods full of vitamin C include papaya, raw red peppers, steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts, oranges, cantaloupe, kiwi, cauliflower, and kale.

Broccoli contains high levels of vitamin C and is also highly full of beta carotene. Beta carotene strengthens your body’s immunity and it has been proven in animal studies to lower tumor growth, prevent cancer reoccurrence, and extend survival rates and it is a powerful antioxidant. It is especially good at cancers developing from epithelial tissue, which makes up about 90% of all cancer cases. Carrots and zucchini will also be high in beta carotene. It can be present in many green and yellow vegetables and fruit and most mixed vegetable juices are full of beta carotene.

Olive leaves are emerging as another powerful cancer fighting food. It's now been found to have a very powerful phytochemical that may prove to kill cancer cells in addition to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Actually, it has been found to have 5 times the antioxidant effects as those of vitamin C. Olive leaves may not be probably the most tasteful of foods, however it can be combined in tasty recipe dishes or perhaps mashed and made into a tea or thick green drink.

Barley and wheat grass are cereal grasses which are powerful cancer fighters. They're rich in chlorophyll, which has great health promoting effects. They're also known to have an anticarcinogenic effect and stop further tumor growth. They contain high levels of phytonutrients and have a highly antioxidant effect. Dried wheat grass has more nutrients and vitamins in a small spoonful than many areas of fruits and vegetables and is often called an environmentally friendly super food. Did you know that wheat grass even contains a lot more times the amount of vitamin C than oranges?

There are lots of foods that will help you in your cancer fight. You need to combine as many cancer-fighting foods as you possibly can by creating your own cancer fighting diet to find the best results. Cancer fighting foods have been shown to reduce the growth and spread of cancers and stop reoccurrences. They will also improve your body’s natural defenses that will help you overcome the odds and live a complete cancer free life.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Stomach Cancer Surgery

If you're clinically determined to have stomach cancer inside an initial phase, you may require surgery to consider away the cancer.However, when the cancer has spread from stomach, it will not be simple to get rid of it entirely through surgery. If it is the situation, you'll still have surgery to get rid of any cancer that's blocking your stomach, to assist relieve your symptoms. Everything is determined by balancing the control of your symptoms along with the risks and unwanted effects of undertaking a considerable surgical treatment.

After surgery for stomach cancer Any type of surgery for stomach cancer needs a sizable operation plus a long time to recuperate. For those who have stomach cancer surgery, you will likely need to stay in hospital for about a fortnight. Additionally, you'll need weeks to recoup in your house.

Surgery to eliminate stomach cancer, If you have surgery to eliminate cancer in your stomach cancer stages, and based on whereby your stomach cancer is, probably you will have to possess part or all your stomach removed.Surgery to get rid of a part of your stomach can be a partial gastrectomy, and surgery to get rid of all your stomach is really a total gastrectomy. Sometimes, your surgeon could also remove part of your oesophagus (gullet), combined with whole from the stomach, to create an oesophagogastrectomy.Over these two operations, your surgeon might even take away the lymph nodes (tissues that remove bacteria out of your body) nearest for the cancer in your stomach. It is possible that the stomach cancer might have spread to people lymph nodes, so removing them enables you to avoid the cancer from recurring.

Partial gastrectomyIf cancer influences lower part of your stomach, you might have an incomplete gastrectomy, through which simply a a part of your stomach is slowly removed. Meaning the reduced a part of your stomach will likely be removed and, afterwards, your stomach will likely be small compared to it absolutely was before surgery. However, the operation won't customize the top part of your stomach, where your oesophagus (gullet) feeds within it.

Total gastrectomy or oesophagogastrectomyIf the cancer influences middle or presents itself your stomach, you might want to have a very total gastrectomy, where the whole in the stomach is slowly removed. Once the cancer is near the end in the oesophagus (gullet), where it meets your stomach, you may even must have part of your gullet removed. This kind of surgical treatment is known as an oesophagogastrectomy.If you have an overall total gastrectomy, your stomach will likely be removed as well as the end in the gullet is going to be signed up of the duodenum (the very best a part of your small intestine). If you have an oesophagogastrectomy, your stomach along with the end from the gullet is going to be removed, along with the remaining part of your gullet will likely be joined for the duodenum.

If you're identified as having stomach cancer within an early on, you may require surgery to consider away the cancer. However, when the cancer has spread from stomach, it will not be simple to get rid of it entirely through surgery.

Monday 22 October 2012

What is Liver Cancer Treatment

Liver cancer is a type of cancer that forms within the tissues of the liver or even the second largest organ within our body. This body organ is positioned in the right upper abdomen and weighs 2 to 6 pounds. The liver has numerous responsibilities, such as metabolizing proteins, carbohydrates & fats. If you are searching for any information related to liver cancer treatment, only then do we would be pleased to assist you.

Mentioned here are some of the liver cancer symptoms:

Weight loss

A swollen tummy (abdomen)

Yellowish skin

If you're having any of the liver cancer symptoms, we'd advise you to go to a liver specialist as quickly as possible.

Being a living organism, the liver is allergic to diseases, encompassing cancer. You will find different kinds of cancer that can evolve within the liver of adults, considering:


Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Liver Cancer Treatment

The liver cancer treatment mainly is determined by the size and stage from the disease. Some of the liver cancer treatments

encompass standard treatments like chemotherapy, although some involve medical trials of recent drugs and treatment procedures. In spite of what kind of Liver Cancer Plan for treatment you and your specialist select, you need to know all the alternatives that are accessible.

Liver Biliary Pancreas Surgey, here offers the all information about Liver Cancer Treatments in India. Here you're going to get the best solutions for the Liver Cancer using the best medical costs at Mednata the Medicity, Gurgaon, India.

There are a number of choices available for diagnosing liver cancer medically. These choices involve:

Partial hepatectomy : Within this type of surgery, the infected area of the liver is eliminated in the body.

Liver transplant: Within this liver cancer treatment, cancer liver is replaced with some or complete healthy liver. A liver cancer treatment methods are available for selected patients, and liver donors could be unknowns, friends and family members who satisfy particular criteria.

Radiofrequency ablation: This kind of surgery includes tiny electrodes that kill all of the infected or cancer cells. The surgical instrument is putted by using an incision in the abdomen, under anesthesia.

In case your liver has a severe infection, it may be possible that you are prescribed for any Chemotherapy to diagnose your liver cancer. Liver cancer drugs work by removing quickly increasing cancer cells; but, there are many healthy cells in the body that increase just like rapidly, such as hair follicle cells. Unluckily, many chemotherapy medications might not be willing to make out the two, offending healthy cells and making negative effects, like thinning hair.

Generally, there's two kinds of liver cancer based in the liver:

Primary liver cancer

Secondary liver cancer

The main liver cancer is a very rare cancer which has generated in the liver. On the other hand, secondary liver cancer is how the cancer originates in the other organ from the body. Apart from this, kids may have a rare kind of liver cancer, which is called a "hepatoblastoma."

Liver Biliary Pancreas Surgey, here offers the all information about Liver Cancer Treatments in India. Here you're going to get the best solutions for the Liver Cancer using the best medical costs at Mednata the Medicity, Gurgaon, India.

Friday 28 September 2012

Lung cancer: Treatment, symptoms, advice and help

About lung cancer

Lung cancer, also known as ‘Pulmonary Carcinoma’ in medical terms, is an illness of the lungs, wherein cells of the lung tissue exhibit uncontrolled growth. Cancer may arise in almost any part of the lung, but many commonly arises from the liner of the airways (referred as bronchi or bronchioles). Therefore, a physician may even refer to lung cancer as ‘bronchogenic cancer’ or ‘bronchogenic carcinoma’.

Lung cancer: Incidence, age and sex

Different organs of the body might be affected by cancer, but lung cancer is probably the most common cause of carcinogenic death both in genders. It is predominantly an illness of the elderly population with almost 70% of the cases occurring after age 65 years.

Indications of lung cancer: Diagnosis

There are two kinds of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The development and spread of both types is not same and treatments may vary. Therefore, the attending doctor must identify the type of cancer before deciding the therapy options. The symptoms may depend upon the extent and placement of cancer in the lung.

Within a quarter of lung cancer patients, there aren't any symptoms at all. Cancer may accidentally be found on a routine chest radiograph or perhaps a scan. However, most lung cancer patients may experience difficulty in breathing like shortness of breath and heart problems. Most commonly, a lung cancer patient may complain of persistent cough. The cough might be occasionally accompanied with blood stained sputum.

In the event of spread of cancer towards the adjacent bone, people may experience excruciating pain to begin of bone involvement. Likewise, spread of cancer towards the brain may be given symptoms like blurred vision, headache, or seizures.

Causes and protection against lung cancer

The most important cause of lung cancer is smoking, about 90% of the lung cancers arising because of tobacco use. The chance of developing lung cancer depends upon the amount of cigarettes smoked each day and duration of smoking. Pipe and cigar smoking may also cause lung cancer. Passive smokers (individuals who share living with smokers) will also be at a risk of developing lung cancer. Aside from smoking, lung cancer can also develop due to occupational exposure to harmful radiation.

Prevention, obviously lies in refraining from smoking or maybe not cessation, then a minimum of reducing the number of cigarettes. Besides, a smoker should periodically get regular medical examination once he/she crosses 65 years of age years.

Lung cancer: Complications

If not treated, lung cancer can continue to grow and invade adjacent structures such as the ribs. Moreover, this may also spread to distant organs such as the brain through the bloodstream.

Lung cancer: Treatment

Much like other cancers, treating lung cancer involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The decision to carry out the best treatment is determined by the overall health of the patient, location and spread of cancer. The therapy also depends upon whether or not this is a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Surgical procedure of SCLC is usually not recommended as these cancers are not as likely to be localized and also have higher propensity to spread. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be used for both kinds of cancers.

Several other treatments like photodynamic therapy, radiofrequency ablation, utilization of anti-angiogenesis drugs are also found helpful. The prognosis of lung cancer is poor when compared with other cancers.

Friday 21 September 2012

The Wide World Of Cancer

Cancer is one of the most deadly of diseases. In USA along with other developed nations, cancer kills almost 25% of individuals. This number is more in poorer third world countries. In cancer, cells through a process of mutation, start to divide endlessly. Creating internal problems and lastly death. It is a hard battle that certain needs to fight against this terrible enemy. Both expensive and time intensive, many of the poorer nations today don't have cancer treating facilities resulting in the painful death of numerous thousands of individuals.

There are many kinds of cancers. Basically, the disease could be divided into 2 broad categories. Adult cancers and childhood cancers. Adult cancers include Lung cancer and ovarian cancer.  Lung cancer treatment destinations

Cancer also occurs in young children and adolescents, but it's rare. Child Cancer; especially leukemia, is with an upward trend. Though some research has not shown this, others done on the longer scale of time have so indicated. Age peak incidence of cancer in youngsters occurs during the first year of life. Leukemia is among the types that can occur. Another types include the central nervous system cancers, lymphomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma.

How's such a terrible disease caused? Cell division is really a physiological process that occurs in just about all tissues and under many circumstances. Normally the total amount between growth and programmed cell death is tightly regulated to guarantee the integrity of organs and tissues. Mutations in DNA that cause cancer disrupt these orderly processes.

The uncontrolled and frequently rapid proliferation of cells can result in either a benign tumor or perhaps a malignant tumor (cancer). Benign tumors don't spread to other parts of the body or invade other tissues, and they're rarely a threat to life unless they compress vital structures. Malignant tumors however are more dangerous and they often invade other organs, spread to distant locations and be life-threatening.

Can it be treated? Yes, Cancer may be treatable if it is diagnosed at an initial phase. Allopathic treatments like Chemotherapy have turned out to be successful against cancer. There are lots of types of strong chemicals and radiation which help in fighting against cancer.

Today however other methods emerged which show promise in eliminating off cancer. Psychologists have confidence in curing cancer through thoughts. By having a positive frame of mind, they feel that this disease can be fought.

Meditation techniques like reiki which help in awakening inner forces will also be proving to be very beneficial.

An unconventional strategy to this disease is laughter therapy. There's a very touching story about how exactly one person got over this ailment just through having fun. Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a form of life threatening tissue disease or perhaps a form of cancer. He started and experimented by watching and enjoying Marx brother movies. 6 months later, he was up and excellent astonishing his doctors.

Regardless of how terrible the disease is, love, friendship and laughter will find a cure. Hope and courage are a person's best friends at any time and it is exactly the same when some one is diagnosed with cancer. If a person has no panic and fights the condition with a joyous spirit and finish healing will be a guarantied possibility.